BatchNorm vs LayerNorm


Batch Normalization

训练一个神经网络其实是比较困难的,因为神经网络的学习过程是反向传播(Back-propagation):通过梯度下降(Gradient Descent)的方式一步步反向更新每一个神经元的权重。而且神经网络一般由多个层构成。这样就造成了一个问题,假设我们有A,B两层神经网络。A的输入是x,输出是y,B的输入是y,输出是z。计算与标签的损失,求梯度进行反向传播之后,A变成了A‘,B变成了B’。再向A输入x,得到的就再也不是y了,而可能是k。这时对于B而言,它之前所学到的关于y的信息就不适用了,必须重新进行adaptation。这样的现象叫做Internal covariate shift。这也是提出Batch Normalization的作者的动机。

但Santurkar等人的工作How Does Batch Normalization Help Optimization中指出,使得Batch Normalization成功的原因并非因为Internal covariate shift,甚至在某种情形下BatchNorm没有减少internal covariate shift。这篇blog不讨论谁的观点绝对正确,仅仅对BatchNorm的思想做总结。

Why Batch Normalization

一定程度消除Internal covariate shift:在introduction部分讲述了什么是internal covariate shift(ICS)。ICS导致每一层在更新参数后重新适应新的输入的变化,降低了学习的效率。采用BatchNorm,将输入归一化为均值为0和方差为1的数据,不仅仅可以一定程度解决梯度消失问题(不归一化数值会进入saturated zone,就是非线性激活函数的两端),还能使不同层之间近乎于独立学习,降低了层与层之间的耦合性。


Mathematical Description

假设对一个layer的输入是\(\vec x = (x^{ (1) } ... x^{ (d) })\),那么对这个输入的归一化如下: \[ \hat{x}_i ^{ (k) } = \frac{x_i^{ (k) } - E[x^{ (k) } ]} {\sqrt{Var[x ^{ (k) } ] + \epsilon}} \] 其中 \[ E[x^{ (k) } ] = \frac{1} {m} \sum_{i=1} ^{m} x_i ^{ (k) } \]

\[ Var[x^{ (k) } ] = \frac{1} {m} \sum_{i=1} ^{m} ( x_i ^{ (k) } - E[x^{ (k) } ] ) \]

\(m\)表示mini-batch的batch size,\(k\)表示输入的第几个特征。


The linear transformation process in Batch Normalization, which involves the learnable parameters (scale factor \(\gamma\) and shift \(\beta\)), is crucial for the following reasons:

  1. Restoring the Representational Power of the Network: After applying Batch Normalization, the activations of the layer are normalized to have zero mean and unit variance. While this normalization process helps to stabilize learning and reduce internal covariate shift, it can also limit what the layer can represent. For instance, in some cases, the network might learn that the best representation of the data for the subsequent layers is not zero-mean/unit-variance. The scale and shift transformation allows the network to learn the most suitable scale and location of the activations, thereby restoring the representational power of the network.

  2. Preserving the Expressive Power of Activation Functions: Certain activation functions like ReLU and its variants have different behaviors in different regions of the input space. For instance, the ReLU function is sensitive to positive inputs and insensitive to negative inputs. If Batch Normalization is used without the scale and shift, the activations would be mostly confined to the region where ReLU is active, thereby limiting the expressive power of the activation function. The scale and shift transformation allows the network to learn to use the full expressive power of the activation function.

  3. Flexibility: The learnable parameters \(\gamma\) and \(\beta\) provide the network with the flexibility to learn the optimal scale and mean of the activations. If the optimal scale and mean are indeed 1 and 0 respectively, the network can learn γ close to 1 and β close to 0. But if they are not, the network has the flexibility to learn other values.

In summary, the linear transformation process in Batch Normalization, governed by the learnable parameters \(\gamma\) and \(\beta\), is crucial for preserving the expressive power of the network and providing it with the flexibility to learn the most suitable representations.

因此在归一化之后,需要加入两个可学习的参数,给予模型自由学习的能力。让其在学习的过程中自己寻找最适合的分布状态。其数学描述为: \[ y_i ^{ (k) } = \gamma^{ (k) } \hat{x}_i ^{ (k) } + \beta ^ { (k) } \] 在训练阶段,BatchNorm按照上述的数学描述进行学习。

但在验证和测试阶段,BatchNorm则有所不同。因为在训练阶段,我们是以mini-batch的形式将数据喂入模型的。训练过程中,会实时计算mini-batch的均值和方差。而如果在测试阶段也这样做,尤其是每次输入一个测试数据的时候,mini-batch的size是1,最后会得0。这显然是不合理的。因此在工程上,采用running mean和running variance的方法,会在训练阶段实时更新。

更新过程为: \[ E[x^{ (k) } ]' = momentum \times E[x^{ (k) } ]' + (1 - momentum) \times E[x^{ (k) } ] \]

\[ Var[x^{ (k) } ]' = momentum \times Var[x^{ (k) } ]' + (1 - momentum) \times Var[x^{ (k) } ] \]

Layer Normalization

加速神经网络训练的方法可以用之前提到的batch normalization。但是有两点需要注意:

  • Batch normalization比较依赖于mini-batch的大小,mini-batch越大,batch norm的效果越好
  • Batch normalization似乎对于RNN这种处理sequence数据的模型适用难度较高

基于这两点因素,作者提出了Layer Normalization。

Why Layer Normalization

  • 因为Batch normalization使用的方差和均值是基于mini-batch对整体的估计,这说明其受限于mini-batch的大小。
  • Batch normalization在序列模型中不太适用,因为序列模型的输入经常是变长的。

Mathematical Description

假设对一个layer的输入是\(\vec x = (x^{ (1) } ... x^{ (d) })\),那么对这个输入的归一化如下: \[ \hat{x} ^{ (k) } = \frac{x ^{ (k) } - E[\vec x]} {\sqrt{Var[\vec x] + \epsilon}} \] 其中 \[ E[\vec x] = \frac{1} {d} \sum_{k = 1} ^ {d} x ^ { (k) } \]

\[ Var[\vec x] = \frac{1} {d} \sum_{k=1} ^{d} ( x ^{ (k) } - E[\vec x] ) \]

为了保留模型的表达能力,还是加入两个可学习的参数做一个线性变换。 \[ y ^{ (k) } = \gamma^{ (k) } \hat{x} ^{ (k) } + \beta ^ { (k) } \] Layer Normalization的训练和测试阶段的行为一直,因此不需要额外加入其他变量来做记录。仅需要在推理的时候,计算输入数据的均值和方差就可以。

Batch vs Layer

  • Batch normalization受mini-batch size的影响,size越小,计算出的batch statistics越不能代表整体。而Layer normalization与batch的大小是独立的。
  • Layer normalization更适合用于sequence model,处理变长数据。


  • Batch Normalizaiton: Accelerating Deep Network Training by Reducing Internal Covariate Shift
  • How Does Batch Normalization Help Optimization